T-SQL Tuesday #14–Resolutions

tsql2sdayIt’s T-SQL Tuesday time again, and this month the Midnight DBAs (Jen’s blog | Sean’s blog | @MidnightDBA) are hosting the party. You can read about the whole T-SQL Tuesday blog party idea from Adam Machanic (blog, Twitter) if you want, and if you want to participate, you have a few hours left.


The theme this month is resolutions. That’s interesting because this was the first year in quite some time where I haven’t set goals or resolutions for the new year. I’m behind and somewhat unsure of what I want to do in life.

However, it’s T-SQL Tuesday, so I need to think of something if I want to participate.

I recently received an offer to take the MCM written test for SQL Server. There was no downside for me, so I signed up. And I pushed back the test a month since I wasn’t ready. I could say that my goal is to get the MCM this year, or to pass the written test, but that wouldn’t be right. I have reasons I’ll blog about later, but suffice it to say those aren’t resolutions.

However I would like to make an honest effort to pass the written test. I haven’t had production responsibilities on a SQL Server instance in years, and while I know a lot about SQL Server, and understand how many things work, I don’t have to practically apply that knowledge, and so I’m rusty.

I’d like to remedy some of that this year. I have been watching the MCM readiness videos, trying to learn some things and get prepared. Part of the reason I pushed back the test was because I hadn’t had a chance to watch all the videos and read the other prep material. I’m still working my way through things, and hope to be better prepared when the test comes around.

My resolution is to really make an honest effort over the next month. Not cramming, and making this a single-focus-I-have-to-get-it-all-done, but make a good effort, my best effort given my busy life, and do as well as I can on the test.

Kind of a nebulous resolution, but I can say that I didn’t make a solid effort in December, and I’m working to fix that now.

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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