Third Times a Charm – SQL Saturday #64 – Baton Rouge

Going back to Baton Rouge again

We’re a week away from SQL Saturday #64 in Baton Rouge, LA. It takes place on August 6, 2011 at the Patrick Taylor at LSU again, the same location as the last two years. If you’re in the area, sign up and come learn about SQL Server. I’ll be presenting two sessions, one on Red Gate tools at lunch, and one on the Top Ten SQL Server Skills You Need to Know about SQL Server.

I did a short radio interview with WRKF that should air next Thursday to promote the event. I don’t know how many people will hear it, but there might be some people signing up, which might fill up the day. If you want to come, register soon.

This is a great event, and it’s one of the bigger SQL Saturday’s I’ve been to every year. There are 9 tracks, including a couple .NET tracks and a Windows Phone set of sessions, so there’s plenty for everyone to do. The crew that puts the event together does a great job, and I’m sure you’ll have a great time.

Baton Rouge is a great place, and I’m am looking forward to a run or two around University Lake. It’s hot, humid, but a nice place to jog. If you want to join me, I’ll be aiming for an early Sat am run, likely around 7:00am.

Once again I’m flying to New Orleans and driving up to Baton Rouge. I hope to get some lunch in the Big Easy, enjoying the beautiful French Quarter before going to a very nice college town in Baton Rouge. I’m not staying Saturday night, but heading back to New Orleans for an early flight home Sunday. I’ll be at the after party, so please stop by and say hi to me.

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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