Congrats, Yanni

Sunday was an exciting morning for me and quite a few others in the SQL Server community. My morning was interrupted constantly as I was tied to my Twitter stream, looking for updates like this one:

One of the updates I caught during my morning

I had puppy duty, dinner to cook that required a trip to the store and 8 hours of cooking. I had a few chores to handle like horses to feed, and I found myself taking longer to do those things than I should have because I was constantly checking my phone. I wasn’t the only one as I saw 6 or8 other people in the SQL community, all cheering Yanni on. I’m sure there were others outside my twitter feed as well.

We were all sending tweets that the Runmeter app will read to you over headphones. I’ve used the app and it’s cool when someone sends you a note when you’re running, even if it interrupts the music.

I probably sent 20-30 tweets to try and help cheer Yanni on during her first marathon. I met Yanni last year, and I’ve been following her journey as she climbed a mountain, ran a half marathon (with other SQL people), and made the decision to run just a marathon, but a marathon and a half in a week. As someone that’s run a marathon, I can appreciate her effort, accomplishment, and I’m impressed.

I’m also thrilled to be a part of the SQL Server community, which in many ways seems to be a tighter set of groups of people. Groups because we aren’t one big happy family, but we are a series of smaller ones that support each other, cheer each other one, defend each other, and laugh with each other. The biggest reason that I attend events is to meet people and spend time with them.

Yanni is never without a smile on her face, and I’m sure part of it is the wonderful people who work with SQL Server in their spare time, when they’re not making life a little bit more interesting to each other, 140 characters at a time.

I congratulate Yanni, and I urge you to do the same, with a comment on her marathon post.

Update: This is the post race post.

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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