Which Problem Are You Solving?

One of the problems I’ve seen for years in computing is people seeing the forest or the trees. Not that either is good or bad, but far too often I’ve run across people that only see one of these, meaning they examine problems from a high level perspective, or a very low level perspective. While either of those can help you solve your issues, there will be a problem or a time when you need to examine the situation from another perspective. Knowing when to look at a higher or lower level can be invaluable in troubleshooting.

This past week I ran across a great post from Grant Fritchey called Understand the True Source of Problems. In this post, Grant talks about some strange DBA “best practices” that were implemented to solve problems, but aren’t necessarily the best of anything. It’s an interesting list, and you might read it for entertainment, though I hope none of you are following these ideals at your place of employment.

However the thing I liked about this post is that in the beginning Grant begins with an old doctor joke, which is still funny to me, but it often is the approache taken by people trying to solve problems. They just avoid the issue, and never solve it. That can work in the short term, but I’ve seen this build up over time to the point where people are afraid to make any changes to a system or code because of the fear of causing some unknown issue.

I don’t think that every issue needs to be solve to the root cause. There are plenty of times something goes sideways on one of my computers and a reboot fixes the issue. I’m fine with that, but if it occurs more than two or three times, I do need to solve the problem. I need to be able to dig deeper to diagnose what resources are failing, what performance issue exists, or maybe what line of code is broken. Perhaps I need to step back and examine if some other part of my system, like the disk or network, is causing an issue that appears to be isolated to code. In other words, I need to be able to look at the wider environment (the forest) or dive into the particulars of a process (the trees).

Knowing how to strike this balance is a bit of an art, and it’s what really makes the best problem solvers experts. I can’t teach you that part of computing, but I can teach you this. When you don’t think you’ve completely solved the issue, stop for a minute and take a wider or narrower view. Or maybe both. Look for what you might not have thought of. If you’re like me, there are probably plenty of possibilities that come to mind when you stop and re-examine the issue. Then work your way through those items, discarding the ones that aren’t relevant. Sometimes opening your mind a bit is the best way to find the exact cause of an issue.

Steve Jones

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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