April Blogging Challenge 2 – Primary Key in CREATE TABLE

The April Blogger Challenge is from Ed Leighton-Dick and aimed at new bloggers, but anyone is welcome. I’m trying to motivate and cheer people on.

Designating a Primary Key at Design Time

In the first post on this subject, I noted that I often add a primary key after the fact, using ALTER TABLE. However I’ve been wanting to build the habit of adding the PK at design time, inline with the CREATE TABLE statement, so I decided to look up the syntax and start practicing.

The inline code adds a CONSTRAINT clause into the table definition. I can do this in two ways, the most common is after I’ve built all the columns, I add CONSTRAINT, a name (PKUsers) then the PRIMARY KEY keyword with the optional clustered/nonclustered designation, and finally the column(s) in parentheses

Here’s my new code:

CREATE TABLE Users ( MyID int IDENTITY(1, 1) , firstname varchar(250) , lastname varchar(250) , gender char(1) , postalcode varchar(12) , contactphone varchar(12) CONSTRAINT pkUsers PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (MyID) ); GO

The better way, IMHO, is to do this inline if you have one column. I know this isn’t consistent, but I can easily see the constraint this way.

CREATE TABLE Users ( MyID int IDENTITY(1, 1) CONSTRAINT pkUsers PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (MyID) , firstname varchar(250) , lastname varchar(250) , gender char(1) , postalcode varchar(12) , contactphone varchar(12) ); GO

This is more difficult to see if you have multiple columns, but you can do this:

USE sandbox; GO CREATE TABLE Users ( MyID int IDENTITY(1, 1) , firstname varchar(250) , lastname varchar(250) CONSTRAINT pkUsers PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (firstname, lastname) , gender char(1) , postalcode varchar(12) , contactphone varchar(12) ); GO DROP TABLE dbo.Users; GO

Simple and easy to find the PK now, it’s named correctly, and it’s easy to read.


A few places I used

Quick and Easy Blogging

This post occurred to me while I was writing my first post.  Actually, this occurred to me first, but I realized that I often do the ALTER method in post 1, so I wrote that first.

Changing to this post required using the same MSDN article, dropping the table, rewriting the DDL code, and testing it. About 5 minutes for this one because it was based on a previous post.

Look for the other posts in the April challenge.

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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2 Responses to April Blogging Challenge 2 – Primary Key in CREATE TABLE

  1. Pingback: SQL New Blogger Digest – Week 2 | The Rest is Just Code

  2. Pingback: Defining Foreign Keys at Table Create Time | Voice of the DBA

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