Growing Speakers for T-SQL Tuesday #84

tsql2sday150x150It’s T-SQL Tuesday again, and for $#84, we have a non-technical topic. Hopefully this will then let us produce more technical content by growing new speakers. That’s the topic from Andy Yun, and it’s a good one.

This is the monthly blog party, and you should feel to participate today, or any day in the future. Read Andy’s invitation for the rules.

No Shortage of Speakers

When we started SQL Saturday, Andy Warren and I worried about finding speakers for events. In the last 10 years, we’ve seen many, many people begin speaking and enjoy it. I don’t worry about finding speakers for SQL Saturdays anymore.

However, I do think we could do more to encourage even more people to speak and share knowledge. One of the problems we have in this industry is that we don’t always get information spread out quickly to a wide audience and evolve our practices. Too many of us use our habitual practices long after there are better ways to build software. One of the ways we can work to improve the industry is with more speakers.

I’ve given a talk on creating your first technical speaking opportunity. I can say that it worked since a couple of people that were in the audience have actually given presentations at the user group. One of the items that I suggest in there is picking something you’ve learned/solved, and then teach it to others in your company/department/group.

This is often an easier way to get started, since it will be a smaller group, one you know, and it’s safer. It could even be more of a discussion you lead than a presentation.

Certainly this can be hard as you need to be open to debate, accept you might get some things wrong, and that you might learn something. There is stress in trying to come across as an expert, but I’d rather you try to teach something, with the idea that this is your understanding of a topic, but you are open to admitting you might be wrong if someone else knows more.

If that’s the case, then perhaps have that individual present next time.

I’d really encourage more groups and departments to get a weekly presentation together from someone. This can be at lunch, or a standing meeting. This can be a group learning style like the SDTIG, or a quick 20 minute presentation on some topic.

Just try it.

Learn, speak, share.

Get some buy in from your management to support this, and if you need a good reason, use this.

Corporate Dilemma

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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2 Responses to Growing Speakers for T-SQL Tuesday #84

  1. Pingback: T-SQL Tuesday #84: Becoming a Speaker – Chris Voss, The Blog

  2. Pingback: T-SQL Tuesday #84: Growing New Speakers Round-Up | Every Byte Counts

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